Aplikasi Distributor Barang Indonesia
Altius ERP, merupakan salah satu jajaran aplikasi distributor barang terbaik di Indonesia. Berdasarkan dari informasi yang saya ketahui, aplikasi distributor ini dikembangkan oleh PT. GBS Indonesia, sejak tahun 1997. Hingga saat ini terdapat begitu banyak perusahaan yang telah menggunakan Altius ERP, sebagai bukti tingginya kepercayaan mereka terhadap produk ini.
Sejujurnya ada sebuah fitur yang saya favoritkan, dan memaksa saya menulis artikel ini, karena itu cukup menarik untuk disimak. Fitur tersebut adalah Cloud 2.0, yang memungkinkan kita untuk mengakses dan memonitor seluruh database perusahaan yang tersebar diberbagai wilayah, kota, provinsi hingga negara, secara online-realtime, aman dan mobile. Yah, saya seringkali mengakses dan menggunakannya melalui laptop dan tablet PC.
Modul-modulnya pun tergolong sangat lengkap, karena hampir setiap apa yang saya butuhkan, selalu ada didalam Aplikasi Distributor Barang ini, mulai dari:
Sales Management
Sejujurnya ada sebuah fitur yang saya favoritkan, dan memaksa saya menulis artikel ini, karena itu cukup menarik untuk disimak. Fitur tersebut adalah Cloud 2.0, yang memungkinkan kita untuk mengakses dan memonitor seluruh database perusahaan yang tersebar diberbagai wilayah, kota, provinsi hingga negara, secara online-realtime, aman dan mobile. Yah, saya seringkali mengakses dan menggunakannya melalui laptop dan tablet PC.
Modul-modulnya pun tergolong sangat lengkap, karena hampir setiap apa yang saya butuhkan, selalu ada didalam Aplikasi Distributor Barang ini, mulai dari:
Sales Management
- Sales Forecasting
- Sales Order/Demand
- Supply Allocation to Sales Orders/Demands
- Picking List Order to Warehouse
- Packing List Management
- Delivery Management
- Sales Invoice Generator
- Sales Price and Discount Structure Policy
- Online Mobile Sales Force Management with Consigment feature
- Sales Return
- Retail POS (Point of Sales --- Cash&Carry Retail Sales)
- Purchase Requisition
- Purchase Order
- Supplier Price List and Actual Price Historical based on
- Actual Transaction
- PO Schedules
- Goods Receive Note (GRN)
- Purchase Receipt/Bill
- Return to Supplier (Debit Note)
- Item description, size, color, material, pattern, and other individual attributs
- Alternate/Alias Product Code/ID for Customer and Supplier
- Moving Code and ABC Analysist
- Unlimited level of UOM (Unit of Measurement)
- User Defined Default Setting for UOM (Unit) of each Operational Modules (inventory valuation, sales, purchase and report)
- Storage Racking, Location Management and Warehouse Grouping
- Automatic generator of stock-take sheet
- Stock Opname/Adjustment with Rewind Position by Date Feature
- Stock Usage or Replenishment
- Handles lot or batch inventory, also serial numbering or IMEI
- Method of valuation (Cost of Goods) for each Individual Item: Moving Average or Actual Batch or Serial No/IMEI
- Project Budgeting on Material Usage
- Project Warehouse Location for true project inventory costing
- Stock Transfer/Movement Requitision and Approval to Request
- Stock Transfer/Movement between Warehouses
- Stock Transfer/Movement between Depos with Intransit/Ongoing Account
- Stock Conversion (Simple Production)
- Sales Invoicing/Billing
- Collection Management
- Online Mobile Collection Force Management
- Draft Payment and Payment allocation, including payments from cash module
- Debit/Credit Note
- A/R Adjustment (auditor function)
- Supplier Invoice
- Payment Voucher
- Approved Payment run by due date range and/or manual selection
- Debit/Credit Note
- Cash/Bank Voucher
- Cash/Giro Bilyet Receive of Sales Collection
- Liquefaction / Suspend Cheque / Giro Bilyet
- Asset Identification, Location and Method of Depreciation Profile
- Buying/Selling Asset Modul
- Asset Maintenance Scheduling
- Journal Memorial Entry
- General Ledger
- Consolidated General Ledger
- Balanced Sheet and Profit-Lost
- Consolidated Balanced Sheet and Profit-Lost
- Product Specification
- Multi-level Bill Of Material (Raw Materials to WIPs (Work in Process) to Finish Goods)
- Advanced Production Planning and Scheduling based on Line Process & Capacity
- Procurement Management
- Material Requirement Planning and Order Suggestion
- Material Usage on Production
- Work in Process Management
- Finish Goods Stock Costing per batch (Actual)
- Multi-level Cost Center/Object Structure
- User Defined Formula for Indirect Cost Distribution Method
- Cost Allocation of Each Cash/Bank/Sales/Purchase/Usage Transaction to Cost Structure
- Automatic Calculation for Distribution of Indirect Cost to Down-line Cost Object
- Profit-Loss on Each Cost Structure Object
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